Ysgrifennu Creadigol
Ysgol Panteg & U3A Glynebwy - grŵp ysgrifennu
Bu disgyblion o Ysgol Panteg yn gweithio gyda'r storïwr Tamar Williams i ymchwilio cynnwys y blychau a thrafod y gwahanol fathau o ddistawrwydd yn gysylltiedig gyda'r Rhyfel Byd Cyntaf. Cafodd disgyblion eu hannog i gamu i esgidiau cymeriadau oedd yn gysylltiedig gyda'r gwrthrychau. Fe wnaeth rhai greu llythyrau yn ymwneud â'r gwrthrychau a defnyddiodd eraill gyfeiriadau o'r 21ain ganrif i ddangos cydymdeimlad gyda milwyr a dychmygu sut y gellid trosi eu profiadau yn y dydd heddiw - megis disgrifio colli eu hoff fwyd - pizza.
Defnyddiodd aelodau grŵp U3A Glynebwy Arddangosfa mewn Blwch fel ysbrydoliaeth ar gyfer gwaith ysgrifenedig, gan seilio eu hymatebion ar y gwahanol fathau o ddistawrwydd y buont yn eu hymchwilio.
Creative Writing
Ysgol Panteg & Ebbw Vale U3A – writing group
Pupils from Ysgol Panteg worked with Storyteller Tamar Williams, to explore the contents of the boxes and to discuss the different types of silences connected to the First World War. Pupils were encouraged to step into the shoes of characters that were connected to the objects. Some created letters relating to the objects and others used 21st Century references to show empathy with soldiers and imagine how their experiences could be translated in the modern day – such as describing missing their favourite food - pizza!
Members of the Ebbw Vale U3A group used Exhibition in a Box as the inspiration for written work, basing their responses around the different types of silences they explored.